5 Tips for Buying Natural Hair Closures: Get Your Wig, Weave or Sew-In Done Right

5 Tips for Buying Natural Hair Closures

Investing in hair extensions can be a daunting prospect. To help you navigate the choppy waters, we’ve outlined five tips for buying natural hair closures. You’ll learn how to choose the right product — from hair texture and length to closure type — so you can find the perfect match and get your style looking just right. For more information on natural hair closures, see this article.

1. Consider Your Budget

When you’re entering a new market, you should consider your budget. When thinking about your budget, you should consider the amount of money you’re willing to invest in your product or service and any potential competition.

Before you make a purchase, consider the platforms that your competitors use or have used, determine whether they offer the type of service you’re looking to offer and whether they have paid through your affiliate link.

Evaluate your competition’s pricing and consider whether or not they charge by the hour to perform the type of service you’re offering. Ask yourself if the price is fair and if it makes sense financially. Proponents of subscription pricing often argue that it’s fairer to charge the regular price as opposed to offering a discounted or free option. Local stylists like to offer this option since it costs them less than running a hair salon.

Cost comparison websites such as Pricegrabber allow you to research your price on common services to determine whether they are accurate or not. And, you’re able to provide your own competitor’s comparison if applicable. 

2. Know Your Hair Type and Texture

If you’re trying to grow your hair, you’re not alone. A lot of people want to grow their hair out for various reasons, and it’s an issue that I struggled with when I was younger. 

It’s relatively simple to purchase a natural hair extension product designed to fit your own haircut or style. Shave down kits like Dr Scholls and Balder shave your head, while ponytails like Pantene and Villa Vendetta grow your curls. 

You (and your boyfriend) are more than likely going to do a “blowdry” at some point, so you might as well make it comfortable and look good with loose (or even straight) hair.

The products are designed to fit with natural hair, so you may have to do some fiddling with the positioning. Wavy or kinky hair may not be easy to straighten — quirkier types of long hair, however, require a little more coaxing. Just make sure your product fits your style and isn’t too straining, and you’ll be golden.

3. Choose the Right Closure Type for Your Look

No matter what hair type you have, it’s important to choose the right closure for your look. For example, if you have curly hair, you should choose a curly closure. If you want a full look, choose a deep wave middle part closure with natural density because you can always add volume with clip-in hair extensions. 


Natural hair extensions tend to be semipermanent — meaning they’re rooted in the root — and as such, they’re more costly. That means you’re better off with a more affordable product that can be replaced on the fly should you want to change your style. While some natural hair products are available in more than one color, we recommend sticking with what is same-colored as the roots, says Katelyn Brigham, MD, dermatologist, and founder of Doc Brigham Locks & Beauty Care. That way, if it’s going to get dirty fast, it’ll be less likely to get discolored, she adds. 


Though it doesn’t usually show in photos when it comes to choosing a product, detail is more important than volume, Brigham says. Read product labels carefully to ensure the product you purchase is actually made with natural fibers, be free of chemicals that could damage the skin (a big no-no if you’re looking to achieve grey to platinum strands), and can withstand extreme temperatures. “The more honest news a product has, the better,” she says. If you’re unsure whether a product claims to be natural or not, click here to see if it has a label that claims to be natural.

4. Make Sure Your Closure Blends With Your Natural Hair Colour

Make sure your closure blends with your natural hair colour. Closures are usually a darker colour than your natural hair so they should blend with your hair colour as closely as possible. 

A great way to test this is to take some of your hair and use a hair colour that’s one or two shades lighter than your natural hair colour, then apply it to the closure. If you have straight hair or light skin, the colour should blend but won’t have the same kind of intensity. If you have curly hair or dark skin, the colour should have a stronger contrast and bolder movement. 

Don’t worry if your hair looks strange when you put it on. If your style resembles industrial-style hair clips, it will look awkward if you don’t have extensions. Explore your usage options by testing the different lengths you want your hair to reach. If your hair reaches to your ears or face, you should probably stay away from straight hair clippers because the shorter the clip, the more cumbersome the process.

5. Get Help From a Professional if You’re Not Sure What to Do

If you’re not sure how to do something, it’s okay to get help from a professional. For example, if you’re starting a business and you need to make a website but you’ve never done it before, you should find a designer to help you out. Rather than guessing without consulting a professional, this should take a few minutes so you can calm your nerves and know enough to get started.

If your goal is to make money from your hair, buying extensions won’t help you focus on your goals. Instead of investing in extensions, here are other ways you can use your new hair:

The terrible, ever-growing condition of neglected and brittle hair can lead to body, traumatic, and economic damage.

If you’re not confident covering your head, save your money and buy braids or hair clips instead. They help prevent split ends and keeping your hair out of your face, and a simple updo or ponytail can keep new growth out of sight. 

Also Read: 9 Ways To Reward Yourself After A Day of Hard Work And Effort

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